Anthurium: a perfect plant for the workplace

Now that working from home is increasingly the norm for many people, having a healthy and ergonomic workspace there is also important. Plants in your workspace can play a positive role in this. The Anthurium, for example, has a big heart for the business… Recent research by Wageningen University & Research shows that the Anthurium has excellent air-purifying properties, so it positively contributes to a healthy living environment.

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Carmen shows you all the things you can do with plants and flowers in the home. The possibilities are endless and for that you really don’t need to have green fingers!

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This creative all-rounder writes about the most interesting, most inspiring sustainable ideas with flowers and plants: from decorating your own vases with the children to hanging plants in the kitchen. All about green issues, and easy reading.

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As a passionate modern nurseryman Peter has a clear vision of what durable cultivation should be. His passion comes out in his blog when telling about the origin of the Anthurium, how to give the best care and the vast assortment.

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Hetty is the Anthurium ambassador. All the flowers and plants in Hetty’s home are in perfect condition. How does she do that? Hetty reveals her secrets and shares the best care tips and tricks.

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Cheerful, passionate, ambitious and always in search of interesting events and forms of recreation; that’s Jordy in a nutshell. As far as he’s concerned there will be no shops or restaurants in the near future without plants or flowers. This growing trend makes him very happy.

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This creative guy with his infectious enthusiasm has turned his passion into his work. Right from a young age Bob was passionate about plants and flowers; and he’s now been the owner of a flower shop for more than 15 years.

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Anthuriums: The Story of Colour and Quality

In this blog, Wijnen Anthuriums takes you behind the scenes of their business for a sneak peek into their craftsmanship. From the flowering greenhouses to the special store for consumer sales. Find out more about the colour and quality of Anthuriums, immerse yourself into their long vase life and get to know several varieties that Wijnen grows with pride.

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empty spots

From Empty Spots to Lasting Floral Splendour: Flamingo flowers at Madeleine’s

Madeleine’s interior is anything but boring. We adore it. During December, her place looked even more atmospheric than usual. Sadly, once the holidays are behind us and the Christmas decorations and Christmas tree have come down, we end up with some empty spots. In our opinion, we should all fill these spots with Anthurium plants. And so we lost no time in heading over to Madeleine’s to surprise her with beautiful Anthuriums, also known as flamingo flowers.

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Indoor-Outdoor Balance: Anthuriums in Jellina’s Woodland Cottage

Jellina Detmar and her family live in a charming little woodland cottage just outside the Frisian village of Kollum. The cottage is currently undergoing an intensive renovation, mainly under Jellina’s direction, with her husband’s help. Her hands-on mentality is plain to see on her social media, where she can regularly be found while painting or doing odd jobs. We recently surprised her with some beautiful Anthurium plants, which have become an essential part of the indoor-outdoor balance in Jellina’s woodland cottage. She recently shared the results on her Instagram account.

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Out with the Christmas tree, in with the Anthurium plant

The festive season has come to an end; the Christmas tree, decorations, and lights have been stored away, leaving behind a somewhat dreary and empty home. Unwelcoming, isn’t it? But fear not! We’ll turn that space into a green haven. Out with the Christmas tree, in with the Anthurium plant! Read more

DIY disco vase for a dazzling Disco Chic New Year’s Eve

This DIY disco vase will be the eye-catcher of New Year’s Eve! Crafted in no time, it’s the ultimate showstopper for a Disco Chic-themed celebration. Because when it comes to the festive season, it’s not just about sequined and glittery outfits – your living space deserves some glam too. Read on to discover just how effortlessly you can create this disco vase!
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industrial chic

Industrial Chic interior with Anthurium flowers

Michèle, a proud mother of four, lives with her husband Matthijs in a newly built house in Enkhuizen. We recently treated her to some stunning Anthurium flowers – you may have spied them in her industrial chic interior on her Instagram account. It was a good reason for us to get better acquainted.

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3 tips for festive table styling for Christmas with Anthuriums

Christmas is just around the corner, and so are cosy Christmas dinners with friends and/or family. Are you still looking for inspiration to set the table festively? Read on quickly for 3 tips for festive table styling with Anthuriums, Christmas style! Read more

DIY: Christmas ornament arrangement with Anthurium flowers

Bring the Christmas spirit into your home with this ornament arrangement with Anthurium flowers, which you can easily make yourself! Ornaments don’t always have to hang on the Christmas tree; there are many other creative ways to use them. This DIY project is perfect for upcycling old Christmas ornaments. If you don’t have any at home, just take a quick trip to the thrift store. Follow the step-by-step plan below and create your own Christmas ornament arrangement! Read more

Optimal Growth and Flowering: Sustainable Cultivation

This time, we are taking you into the Karma Plants world to tell you more about growing Anthurium pot plants. Discover inside information about their cultivation techniques, how they consistently maintain quality and their efforts in the field of sustainability. If you are curious to find out more about how this nursery facilitates optimal growth, flowering and sustainability of Anthuriums, read on and take a sneak peek behind the scenes at Karma Plants!

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Playful Construction

Style trend 2024 Playful Construction: colourful, playful & creative

Every year, the Flower Council develops several style trends for the horticulture sector, in collaboration with Tuinbranche Nederland, iBulb, INretail, and Bureau Nijman + Van Haaster. The Green Industry Trends for 2024 consist of four style trends that focus on flowers, indoor plants, and outdoor plants. In this article, we will explore the style trend Playful Construction, which is all about experimentation. Keep reading to get inspired! Read more

Dulux Colour of the Year 2024

Dulux Colour of the Year 2024: Sweet Embrace

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time to explore the trends of 2024. In this article, we’ll delve into the Dulux Colour of the Year 2024. It’s a gentle blossom pink, called Sweet Embrace. Curious about how to style this trend colour in your interior? Keep reading for inspiration! Read more

Ms Styling Opts for Colourful Anthuriums

Gerdien Lodewijk of Drachten in the Netherlands regularly gives us a glimpse into her interior, under the pseudonym Mevrouwstyling (Ms Styling). Gerdien prefers a splash of colour over ‘safe white’. So it makes sense that her colourful Anthuriums take pride of place in her living room. Let’s find out more about Gerdien.

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Style trend 2024 Gentle Paradox: contrasting interior

Every year, the Flower Council develops several style trends for the horticulture sector, collaborating with Tuinbranche Nederland, iBulb, INretail, and Bureau Nijman + Van Haaster. The Green Industry Trends for 2024 consist of four style trends that focus on flowers, indoor plants, and outdoor plants. In this article, we will explore the style trend Gentle Paradox, which places contrast within interior design at its core. Keep reading to get inspired! Read more

The Journey of the Anthurium: From Nursery to Vase

Step inside the story of the Anthurium, where we continue our journey of discovery. This time, we bring you along to the Oosterzon nursery. Theo Oosterom, a passionate grower, tells us about the journey of cut Anthuriums: from a humble young plant to the stunning flower that will eventually grace your vase. Learn all about the careful steps each flower goes through in the nursery the dedication they receive, and how it all contributes to the exceptional beauty of cut Anthuriums.

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increase natural light

3 Ways to Increase Natural Light in Your Home

In the autumn, it gets light much later in the morning and dark much earlier in the evening. This makes the indoors feel quite dark! It’s a good excuse to light some candles and snuggle up with a blanket in the evening, but during the day, light is essential and can do wonders for your mood. Do you want to increase the natural light in your home? Read on for 3 handy tips! Read more

A Relaxing Bedroom

How to Transform your Bedroom into a Relaxing Place

The bedroom is an important place in the home because a good night’s sleep is crucial to our well-being. This is when our body recovers and our mind comes to rest, so it is important to make your bedroom a relaxing space. An oasis of calm, where you can relax the minute you step inside. Read more