Use Flower Constellation to create a star-sign bouquet
Does this sound familiar? You arrange flowers in a vase, but they don’t remain standing up straight like you had in mind. Or you have just a few flowers for a vase that’s too large for them so they topple over. How can you get individual flowers to stand up nice and tall? Answer: use a Flower Constellation disc. Choose from this series of brass discs with holes through which you can insert each flower. This gives you an easy way to create an impressive wildflower bouquet as well as being perfect for making a beautiful display of just a few flowers – like Anthuriums – in a vase.
Flower Constellations
The Flower Constellation system makes it super simple to create elegant bouquets with fewer flowers in the vases you already have. How does it work? Simply place the constellation disc on the rim of the vase and press it downward to make it fit the vase. Then trim your flowers to the desired length and insert them one by one into the holes in the Flower Constellation disc. This makes it very easy to turn your bouquet into a little masterpiece that shows off a few Anthurium stems standing tall in a vase.

Inspired by the constellations
The patterns of holes in the 12 Flower Constellation discs were derived from the signs of the zodiac to create a whimsical distribution of flowers in a vase. Arrange masterpieces using freshly picked wildflowers from your own garden, leftovers from your last bouquet, or individual flowers you chose yourself at a florist.
Flower Constellation XL
Some flowers naturally have a thick stem that wouldn’t pass through the holes of a Flower Constellation disc. And some vases are wider than the brass disc itself. But these problems have now been solved with the introduction of Flower Constellation XL. The Ophiuchus Flower Constellation discs have a maximum diameter of 16 mm. This makes them perfect for vases with wide openings as well as for large flowers.

Want to know more about the Flower Constellation discs? Then check out the website here.