It’s getting colder and the days are getting shorter. Fall is clearly here! And as the seasons change, our needs change. We stay indoors a bit more, turn on the heating and candles at home. And just like our needs, the needs of houseplants change too. So it’s important to take care of your houseplants in the fall differently then in the summer. In this article you can read how!

Caring for houseplants in the fall

Less water

In the fall houseplants need less water than in the summer, because they get less sunlight and grow more slowly. Always check the potting soil of your plant before watering it.

Also read: Give your interior an exotic look with plants to brighten up the autumn season

The right place for your plants

Unfortunately, the fact that we love the warmth of a heater in autumn and winter does not necessarily mean that plants do too. The leaves of most plants will dry out if they are too close to a heater. So pay attention to this! In addition, it’s important to make sure that your houseplants get enough sunlight, as the days are shorter in the fall. It’s possible that the spot where a plant used to be got a lot of sunlight, but now doesn’t anymore. So move your plants where necessary, to make sure they get enough daylight.

How to take care of your houseplants in the fall
Photo: Anthura

A humid environment

Thanks to the heating, the air in the house becomes drier. And many houseplants like a moist environment! The easiest way to increase the humidity in your home is to buy a humidifier. Within this device, water particles are converted into vapor, after which a fine mist is spread throughout the room.

Also read: How to increase the humidity at home for your plants