Anthuriums boast vibrant blooms and lush green foliage, but it can be concerning to find brown leaves on these plants. If you’re seeking solutions for the appearance of brown leaves on your Anthurium, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s explore the causes behind this issue and discover effective fixes to restore your plant’s health and beauty.

Brown Leaves on Anthurium

There could be various reasons, we’ll address them one by one.

Too much direct sunlight

If you expose an Anthurium to direct sunlight, it’s likely to develop brown leaves. Anthuriums are sensitive to direct sunlight, which can cause leaf burn and, in severe cases, even lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, it’s recommended to place Anthuriums in an area with indirect sunlight. If you observe browning leaves on your Anthurium, direct action is necessary to minimise any further damage.

Also read: Explained: the difference between direct and indirect sunlight


Another possible cause of brown leaves is overwatering. Anthuriums require only a modest amount of water, typically once or twice a week. Overwatering can create a pooling effect, leading to root rot—a common issue associated with overwatering. Root rot interrupts the plant’s natural absorption of nutrients and water, often resulting in the browning of leaves. Always check the moisture level of the potting soil before watering your Anthurium, and refrain from overwatering to reduce the likelihood of root rot and brown foliage.

brown leaves on Anthurium


Insufficient watering can also result in Anthurium leaves turning brown. When the plant lacks adequate hydration, its leaves may dry out and discolour. Anthuriums’ water needs vary based on factors like pot size, temperature, and humidity, so it’s essential to monitor the soil consistently. If the soil feels dry to the touch, it’s time to water. By carefully managing the water regulation, you can safeguard your Anthurium from brown leaves caused by dehydration.

Also read: Flowering: tips on how to produce new Anthurium flowers