How to move houseplants to your new home
If you going to move houses, your plants will come along of course. They will immediately provide atmosphere and decoration in your new home. Making a house a home. But, what’s the best way to move houseplants? You don’t want them to get traumatized, damaged or, even worse, die. Fortunately, there are a few tricks for transporting plants.
How to move houseplants
Before the move
In the days before the big move, water your plants less. Water makes your plants extra heavy and you don’t want to carry even more during a move. Besides that, it’s useful to give your plants a big cleaning. Get rid of dead leaves, remove the dust on the leaves, clean the pots, etc.
Also read: How to increase the humidity at home for your plants
During the move
In terms of temperature, think of your indoor houseplants as a person. People don’t like cold, and neither do houseplants. So when transporting your plants in a loaded car or truck, they could be become chilled and take some time to recover. Just like you’re wearing a sweater when it’s cold, your houseplants could use some protection as well. Wrap all smaller plants with bubble wrap, and then carefully place them in a moving box. This will allow you to pack the plants close together, where they can protect each other. Large plants that don’t fit in a moving box can be wrapped with a moving blanket.

After the move
Once you’re moved, immediately remove them from the vehicle, and water them if they need it. It’s best to place your plants in the same kind of spot as they were in your old house. A different incidence of light, drafts, the temperature of the floor and even noise can have an effect on the leaf veins of the plant. Expect some lost leaves anyway: it’s all a part of the moving to a new home. Your plants need acclimation to the new surrounding and light.