Returning from a holiday is delightful, but finding your beloved houseplants in a neglected state can be an unpleasant surprise. Whether you left your plants in the care of a friend or set up a watering system, it’s possible that your plants may not look their best after a holiday. Don’t worry! You can revive your houseplants after your holiday with a few simple steps.

Also read: How to create a watering system for your plants

How to revive your houseplants after your holiday


First and foremost, don’t panic. Many plants can recover from a short period of neglect. For example, anthuriums are quite resilient. Start by giving them some water, but not too much at once, especially if the soil is parched, it may not absorb water well. It’s better to water them gradually. Adding water slowly allows the soil to absorb moisture more effectively and prevents it from running off before reaching the roots.

Remove all dead flowers and leaves

Next, remove any dead or brown leaves and flowers. This helps the plant focus its energy on recovering the healthy parts. Use a sharp, clean pair of pruning shears to trim the leaves. Don’t forget to wipe any dust off the leaves, so they can absorb light more effectively and the plant can optimize its photosynthesis.

revive your houseplants
Image: Anthura

Place your plants in a spot with daylight

If you kept all the curtains closed during your holiday, your plants might have been without sufficient daylight for a while. Place your plants in a spot with natural light, but avoid direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves. If you notice the leaves fading or turning yellow, it could be a sign that the plant is receiving too much light. Try placing it in different spots around your home to find where it thrives best.

Be patient

After that, it’s mostly about being patient! Houseplants need time to recover and bloom again. Stay consistent with watering and providing the right amount of light. The results are worth the wait!

Also read: This is how your plants survive your holidays: 3 tips