The Anthurium originated in tropical regions where it grows in a moist warm climate. The humidity in most living rooms, however, is very low. This is why it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the Anthurium’s potting compost now and then. Here are some tips!

Anthurium potting compost

Actually, most of the roots produced by the Anthurium are aerial roots that can easily suffocate in a standard potting compost. This is why they grow so well in an air and moisture-permeable soil mixture. This potting compost will ensure that the plant remains slightly moist at all times but also has enough contact with air and is kept properly drained. A rich supply of nutrients is also essential. You can provide this yourself by combining some garden soil with large quantities of sphagnum moss and peat. Or, you could buy a special ready-made Anthurium potting compost with a composition created specifically for the Anthurium. If this is not available, a good orchid soil also serves its purpose.

Also read: An Anthurium houseplant in water: a DIY project

Repotting an Anthurium plant

It is a good idea to repot older Anthurium plants into a new air-permeable mixture once every two years.

Also read: Repotting your Anthurium: a few tips

How to use Anthurium potting compost

• Before repotting, remove the pot and immerse the Anthurium root ball in lukewarm water.
• Then place it into its new pot.
• Fill the pot with your self-made or purchased Anthurium potting compost.
• Follow up by giving the plant enough water.

The Anthurium doesn’t need to be fertilised for the first two months after repotting. Read more about caring for your Anthuriums in this article.