In summer, you can add a touch of tropical elegance to your outdoor space with the beautiful Anthurium. This versatile plant, known for its colourful flowers and glossy leaves, also thrives outdoors if the conditions are right. In this blog, we give you tips and inspiration on how to care for and style Anthuriums on your summer terrace.

Add a touch of tropical elegance to your outdoor space this summer with the stunning Anthurium. Known for its vibrant flowers and glossy leaves, this versatile plant can thrive outdoors under the right conditions. In this blog, we offer tips and inspiration on how to care for and style Anthuriums on your summer terrace.

Optimal Outdoor Conditions

Anthuriums are tropical plants that thrive in warm conditions. During the summer, when temperatures are around 20°C, they can be placed outdoors. However, ensure the plant is in a wind-free spot and not exposed to direct sunlight, as this can burn the leaves. A shady location is ideal for an Anthurium on your terrace.

If nighttime temperatures drop below 16°C, it is wise to bring the Anthurium indoors, as it is sensitive to cold and can be damaged by lower temperatures. If the temperature remains above 16°C at night, you can safely leave the plant outside and enjoy its beauty on your terrace.

Also read: Can I put my potted Anthurium outside?

Styling Ideas for a Summer Terrace

Incorporating Anthuriums into your terrace decor can be done in various ways, depending on your style and available space. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Large pots of Anthuriums: Place large pots of Anthuriums in strategic spots on your terrace to create a lush, tropical look. Combine different colours and varieties for a playful effect. For a particularly impressive arrangement, plant several Anthuriums in one large pot.
  2. Summer tables: For a summer table setting, use a bouquet of Anthurium flowers as a centrepiece. Add small vases with short-cut Anthurium flowers for a sophisticated touch. This arrangement is perfect for a summer lunch or dinner on your terrace, adding both colour and elegance to your table.
  3. Small pots and vases: Use small pots with Anthuriums to brighten up empty corners and edges of your terrace. These smaller arrangements are easy to move around and can add a splash of colour and life anywhere. They are ideal for tables, windowsills, or even hanging from a rack.

Care Tips

To keep your Anthuriums in top condition, water them regularly without letting them stand in water. Ensure the pots have good drainage to prevent root rot. Lightly misting the leaves can also help increase humidity around the plant, which benefits its overall health.

With these tips and ideas, you can transform your summer terrace into a tropical paradise with Anthuriums. Enjoy the beauty and benefits of Anthuriums on your terrace and make your outdoor space a delightful place to spend time.

Also read: How long does an Anthurium plant live?