Placement is key to successfully caring for an Anthurium. This tropical beauty thrives best under optimal light conditions. But did you know that the direction of the window you place your Anthurium near makes a big difference? This article explores how positioning your Anthurium relative to different directions – north, east, south, or west – affects its growth and flowering.

Anthuriums and Light

Anthurium in Front of a North-Facing Window

A north-facing window provides minimal direct sunlight, reducing the risk of sunburning your Anthurium. This position is ideal, especially in summer when direct sunlight can be too intense. You can place the plant relatively close to the window without concern. However, when daylight is even scarcer in winter, ensure your Anthurium receives enough light to stay healthy.

Also read: Dealing with Green Anthurium Flowers: Causes and Solutions

north east south west
Image: Anthura

Anthurium for an East-Facing Window

An east-facing window receives gentle morning sun, making it an ideal spot for your Anthurium. This soft light provides enough energy for the plant without the risk of sunburn. The morning sunlight helps energise the plant for the day, while the indirect light for the rest of the day keeps the leaves healthy.

Anthurium in Front of a South-Facing Window

A south-facing window receives the most sunlight throughout the day, so you need to be cautious when placing your Anthurium here. Excessive direct sunlight can cause the leaves to yellow or burn. If you prefer to position your Anthurium near a south-facing window, consider placing it a little further from the window or using a sheer curtain to filter the light. In winter, when the sun is less intense, this location provides a beneficial environment.

Image: Anthura

Anthurium for a West-Facing Window

A west-facing window receives afternoon and evening sun, which can be quite intense during summer. While the Anthurium can tolerate some sunlight, excessive exposure can stress the plant and cause brown leaves. To prevent this, filter the light with a sheer curtain or a similar covering. In autumn and winter, this position becomes ideal as the sun’s rays are less intense.

Also read: Where to Place an Anthurium? 4 of the Best Spots

Choosing the right spot for your Anthurium is crucial for keeping your plant healthy and thriving. By understanding how different wind directions – north, east, south, and west – and varying sunlight intensities impact your plant, you can ensure it remains in optimal conditions. With the right placement, you’ll enjoy vibrant flowers and healthy leaves throughout the year!