Anthuriums are renowned for their continuous blooming and vibrant flowers in various colours. If your Anthurium’s flowers stay green instead of their typical hues like red, white, or pink, it may signal some care issues. Here, you’ll learn why this occurs and how to resolve it.

Causes of Green Anthurium Flowers

Green Anthurium flowers can indicate that the plant isn’t receiving enough light. Anthuriums thrive best in bright, indirect light. If the plant is too far from a window or in excessive shade, the flowers may stay green instead of their usual vibrant colours.

Also read: Brown Leaves on Anthurium: Causes and Fixes

Solutions for Green Anthurium Flowers

  • Optimal light conditions: Place the Anthurium in a bright spot without direct sunlight. An ideal location is in front of a north-facing window. For windows facing west or east, maintain a distance of one to two meters. For a south-facing window, provide more distance unless there is adequate shading.
  • Relocate the plant: If the flowers remain green, move the Anthurium closer to the window to increase its light exposure. Monitor the plant’s growing conditions closely, particularly the light levels. Adjust the plant’s location as needed to promote optimal growth.
  • Maintenance: Regularly remove spent flowers and old leaves to conserve the plant’s energy and encourage new blooms.

green anthurium flowers

Tips for Caring for Anthuriums

In addition to sufficient light, several other factors are important for Anthurium care:

  • Water requirements: Water the Anthurium regularly, but avoid making the soil too soggy. Anthuriums prefer moist soil, but excessive watering can lead to root rot.
  • Temperature: Anthuriums thrive in temperatures between 18-22°C. Protect the plant from drafts and temperature fluctuations.
  • Nutrition: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed the Anthurium with a small amount of liquid plant food once a month to stimulate flowering.
  • Humidity: Anthuriums thrive in high humidity. Regularly mist the leaves with water to increase the humidity around the plant.

Following these tips, you can ensure your Anthurium flowers maintain their vibrant colours and thrive in your indoor space!

Also read: Watering Essentials: 3 Useful Anthurium Care Tips