These little works of art from the world of nature will give any room a colourful exotic look
It’s easy to make your own unique exotic still life. Simply place a number of gorgeous anthurium stems in different vases and then arrange them together on a table. Or create an upright bouquet made from colourful anthuriums in a bowl. With hundreds of available varieties and dozens of ways to arrange them, you have a lot to choose from! These little works of art from the world of nature will give any room a perfect, colourful exotic look to brighten up the autumn season.
The exotic side of green
What better way to respond to this exotic trend than with a gold-coloured bowl featuring flowers in a range of purples with an accent of white and yellow? Always trim a little piece from the stems and be sure to place the ends below the surface of the water.
A real centerpiece
Here’s a real joy to behold: anthuriums under a bell jar. This time, the best kinds to use would be the smaller varieties. Use little test tubes as a vase by holding them together with wire.
A glowing accent
Just a few of these Latin American beauties in vases on a table feel like a complete bouquet – and one that you can enjoy for three whole weeks. For a nice change, group small and larger varieties together. Some spathes can easily reach a diameter of 25 cm. Just a few stems make a splendid display but you could also add other flowers or maybe an asparagus fern spray.