Flower arranging using Anthurium flowers
No wonder that cut Anthurium flowers are perfect for use in bouquets. After all, they come in so many colours and shapes, including heart-shaped, tulip-shaped and elongated flowers. This is what makes these versatile flowers so appropriate for any theme or interior design style! Whether it’s spring or autumn, or the design style of a room is minimalist or exotic. Would you like to get started on flower arranging using cut Anthurium flowers? This article gives you some tips and examples.
Also read: Flower arranging 2.0: How to create a beautiful bouquet
Flower arranging using Anthuriums
Since Anthuriums are such eye-catching flowers, this makes them a good choice for a bouquet including other flowers:

But being such an eye-catcher is also what makes Anthuriums so beautiful in a vase without any other cut flowers. These could be Anthuriums in either closely related or contrasting colours. Even a single Anthurium flower in a vase is impressive:
Even a single Anthurium flower in a vase is impressive:

Need more inspiration? Take a look at this Pinterest board full of bouquets using Anthurium flowers!