Spray-painted Anthurium flowers: we wrote about it before, but it’s really becoming a trend now. Not because the flowers themselves don’t have a pretty colour – on the contrary, in fact – but just because it’s fun! You can give them a completely different look in no time. And more and more stylists are realising this because the painted flowers can be seen at lots of parties and fashion shows. Read on for this simple trick with a big result!

Trend: spray painted Anthurium flowers

Anthurium flowers already have beautiful colours in nature. But sometimes we need to lend nature a hand! You can give your flowers a makeover by using spray paint. And since these sprays come in a variety of colours, this is ideal if you’re having a theme party in a certain colour!

Incidentally, this is also a handy trick for a damaged flower. Just spray a nice colour over it, and you won’t see it anymore. Fun and sustainable!

Also read: DIY: spray paint Anthurium flowers

What do you think of these holographic painted Anthurium flowers? Perfect for the holidays!


Trend: geverfde anthurium bloemen


Prefer something calmer? Then take a look at these cosy autumn colours:


Trend: spray painted Anthurium flowers

You can use it in all directions! Want to see more DIYs? Check out: